Cast Cover
Code: C 19
Sizes Available: Universal
Cast Cover is a generic cast/bandage/wound protector, which makes the fitting water tight and keeps your cast/bandage/wound dry during the shower or otherwise. It is reusable.All casts POP or synthetic and the cast padding underneath needs to be kept dry.
- Easy pull on application
- No knots, no ties
- Free hand or foot movement possible
Salient feature
- Rubber Diaphragm
- Expandable to accommodate any arm /cast Size
- Water tight seal
- Easy pull on application, No need for tapes or straps
- Rigid ring
- Easy to wear and remove
- Offers a self sealing mechanism without any need for tapes or straps
- Easy to clean and maintain
- Transparent flexible body
- Non porous, water tight
- Pleasing aesthetics
- Comfortably houses the arm/cast
- Non Sticky, light weight
- Soft and flexible film.
- Anatomic Shape- hands remain functional.
- Durable and long lasting material
Measure the circumference of the arm, right above the cast. Measure the length from tip of the middle finger to the top of the cast I
Size Chart
6.2 to 14.2
upto 22